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  • 昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也。自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为蝴蝶与?蝴蝶之梦为周与?周与蝴蝶则必有分矣。此之谓物化。
    - The 'Equivalence of Things' (齐物论) chapter of the Zhuangzi (庄子) (c. 3rd c. B.C.E.)

    Once upon a time I, Zhuang Zhou (庄周), dreamt I was a butterfly.
    Flapping my wings in true butterfly fashion, I was happy as could be, and I knew nothing of any person named Zhuang Zhou.
    But suddenly I awakened, astonished to be Zhuang Zhou.
    I still don't know whether as Zhuang Zhou I was dreaming I was a butterfly or whether as a butterfly I was dreaming I was Zhuang Zhou.
    There ought to be a difference between Zhuang Zhou and a butterfly, but this is called the transformation of things.
    - David K. Jordan translation (adapted)

    Gettier's Challenge

    Edmund Gettier

    Skepsis is the Greek word for 'investigation'

    There have been several Gettier-style challenges to the JTB or standard analysis of knowledge:

    1. EXAMPLE 1 (Dharmottara, c. 770 C.E., cited in Nagel, 2014):
    2. A fire has been lit to roast meat. The fire has not started sending up smoke
    3. The smell of meat has attracted a cloud of insects. From a distance, an observer mistakes the dark swarm of insects above the horizon for smoke

    4. ∴ The observer has a justified true belief that there is a fire burning at that spot
    5. However, this observer cannot be said to know that there is a fire burning in the distance

    1. EXAMPLE 2 (Russell, 1948):
    2. Alice looks at the clock on the tower she sees every day to check the time
    3. The clock shows 4 o'clock and Alice forms the belief that it is 4 o'clock
    4. However, the clock has stopped and it has been showing 4 o'clock for the past 12 hours

    5. ∴ Alice has a justified true belief that it is 4 o'clock
    6. However, Alice cannot be said to know that it is 4 o'clock

    1. In EXAMPLES 1 and 2, we have instances of justified true belief but we do not have instances of knowledge
    2. ∴ The JTB analysis of knowledge misfires

    Edmund Gettier's (1963) 'Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?'

    Here are Gettier's own examples that challenge the JTB analysis of knowledge:
    1. EXAMPLE 3 (Gettier, 1963):
    2. Smith and Jones have applied for a job
    3. Suppose that Smith has strong evidence for (S1 ∧ S2), where:
      1. S1: Jones is the man who will get the job;
      2. S2: Jones has 10 coins in his pocket

      3. Smith’s evidence for (S1 ∧ S2):
      4. EVIDENCE 1: The president of the company has assured Smith that Jones will be selected for the job;
      5. EVIDENCE 2: Smith had counted the coins in Jones's pocket a few minutes ago

      6. S3: The man who will get the job has 10 coins in his pocket
      7. S1 ∧ S2 ⊦ S3
      8. Suppose further that, unknown to Smith, it is Smith rather than Jones who will get the job
      9. Incidentally, Smith also has 10 coins in his pocket

      10. ∴ While S1 and S2 would be false, S3 would be true
      11. ∴ Smith would have a justified true belief that S3
      12. However, Smith cannot be said to know that S3 is true

    1. EXAMPLE 4 (Gettier, 1963):
    2. Suppose that Smith has strong evidence for proposition S1:
    3. S1: Jones owns a Ford
    4. Smith’s evidence for S1:
    5. EVIDENCE 1: Jones has at all times in the past within Smith's memory owned a car and always a Ford
    6. EVIDENCE 2: Jones has just offered Smith a ride while driving a Ford

    7. Suppose that Smith has another friend, Brown, of whose whereabouts he is totally ignorant
    8. Smith selects 3 places at random and constructs 3 propositions:
    9. S2: Brown is in Boston
    10. S3: Brown is in Barcelona
    11. S4: Brown is in Brest-Litovsk

    12. Here are 3 disjunctive propositions:
    13. (S1 ∨ S2), (S1 ∨ S3), and (S1 ∨ S4)
    14. S1 ⊦ S1 ∨ S2
    15. S1 ⊦ S1 ∨ S3
    16. S1 ⊦ S1 ∨ S4

    17. Suppose that Jones does not own a Ford but is rather driving a rented car
    18. Suppose further that by sheer coincidence and unknown to Smith, Brown is in Barcelona

    19. ∴ Smith would have a justified true belief that (S1 ∨ S3) (viz. 'Either Jones owns a Ford or Brown is in Barcelona')
    20. However, Smith does not know that (S1 ∨ S3) is true

    As EXAMPLES 1-4 show, Gettier-type cases pose a problem (known as the Gettier problem) for the JTB analysis of knowledge